
Well today’s theme is Monsters in the crumpets Halloween challenge, or it was yesterday. Straight away I knew I wanted my monster to have claws, like a werewolf and that’s where this was headed. I cut and shaped nice big long claws out of fake nails, then I drew fine black lines on them with nail art pen. I sealed that with matte top coat and then painted the underside of the nail in a pale lemon yellow, but this just wasn’t yellowy and claw like enough. So I then smeared over yellow acrylic paint with my finger so only a thin layer would be left. I was thinking of a turkey we have at work which has great big long claws! Then I painted some white acrylic paint at the base of each nail. Now it was too white, so working at the kitchen sink (as you do!) I spied the green kitchen scourer and gently scraped some of the white off again….perfect!!!  Another coat of matte top coat and the nails were done.

Claw 2

So then to be a werewolf I needed fur, I was planning on just stroking the cat with one hand and have glue ready on the other hand!  In my craft/nail art stash lurked some snake skin that I had found in the garden. I have been meaning to put it on my nails, but never seem to get around to it. So how about I just see if I can stick it on my skin and be some weird made-up clawed reptilian beast??!!


Claw 3


Yes it works, you can stick snake skin to your hand and its even quite comfortable as I’m still wearing it as I type this, it flexes with my fingers nicely. I’m feeling a bit like the creature from the black lagoon right now! I ripped the skin up and stuck pieces on with PVA (Elmer’s) glue, I tried to apply fur, but it don’t go to well. So I dabbed brown acrylic paint with a q-tip over the bare skin that remained, applying it with the q-tip helped mimic the scales in the skin and blended the whole look together well.

Claw 1

Hope you have enjoyed my snake, clawed talons. They were fun to create and to try to trick the cat, that there was a snake in the house, but she is way too smart for that! I wonder how much fun its going to be to remove the snake skin?!


Filed under Fun!, Halloween

22 responses to “Claws…

  1. I am soooo in love with this idea!!! It turned out amazing!!

  2. Oh. My. Gosh. That looks amazing!

  3. Are you serious! This is just too cool !

  4. Ana

    Talk about originality!

    Snake skin looks amazing *_* .

  5. These are epic! The best creature claws/make up that I have seen! Well worth all the work!

  6. Wow! I had to comment here too! You did an amazing job! Very scary look!

  7. I can’t look at them for too long, they make me cringe, but in the best way!

    So awesome! Perfect Haloween!!!

  8. this is sooo crazy and awesome!!!

  9. You’ve got a new fan here! I am so amazed by every nail art you did ❤

  10. nailcrazy69

    this is awesome!!! absolutely love it 😀

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