Witches dancing…

Happy Halloween everyone! Not that we celebrate it where I live, but it’s such a great theme for nail art. Today I was inspired by this painting by an artist called Annya Kai. I started with a pale blue base and sponged various blues and purple tones getting darker toward the pinky and index finger. Then I top coated and painted in the trees and the witches in black acrylic paint.

Witches dancing

I find it really hard to take photos of scenes like this, my fingers don’t want to sit straight and flat!

Witches dancing sq





Filed under Halloween, handpainted nail art

15 responses to “Witches dancing…

  1. Gorgeous!! This is a Halloween manicure that I would definitely wear if I had someone around who would paint it on my nails 🙂

  2. Your witches look great! You can really see their movement

  3. Love the eerie feeling to these.

  4. j

    awwwww this looks so cute!
    Love this manicure 😉


  5. I love that the stick-like figures of the witches make it look a little whimsical! Cute!

  6. nailcrazy69

    what a beautiful manicure ❤
    not scary at all 😉

  7. So magical. It’s perfect x

  8. This makes me think of Samhein and I love love love that.

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