Zombie Bride…

LOOK….I did nails!!!! How could Halloween go past and I not do zombie nails??! Luckily the town where I live had the first ever zombie walk, so a couple of friends and I just had to go! I thought I had an original idea to dress as a zombie bride, but I saw 3 others there, so that was a fail on the originality factor! I had great fun dressing up, making my costume and dripping fake blood everywhere. I wanted my nails to look like I had been ripping flesh open and feeding….

zombie bride

Of course my hands were all bloody on the day, but fake blood stains and I really don’t want to recreate the look and have red stained hands again today….here’s the bloody garter I wore…..

Zombie Bride 2

Here’s what I looked like….death warmed up I hope! (Hi Mum! lol) 


I can’t say I’ll be back soon, posting is pretty spasmodic these days. Miss you guys and being part of the nail art world. X


Filed under Halloween, Revisited, Zombie

7 responses to “Zombie Bride…

  1. jode pawsey

    Well I think I speak for many who say that ‘We miss you too’. Wish you would post a lil more or is it blog a lil more, lol….But if your absence means you creating more of those gorgeous colours then I don’t mind so much, lol. Seriously tho, when one has to work & run a household & ‘attempt’ to have some form of social life AND have a business on the side AND have a blog it’s any wonder you can even find time to scratch ur Zombie Bride butt, LOL….Anyways it’s just really nice to see you when I/we do. xo

  2. nailcrazy69

    i miss your nails :*
    you looked gorgeous, that zombie look suits you well LOL

  3. Hello there! What can I say (being M) the actually affect is good for the topic; but its enough to put any guy off!! Love you “M”.

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